Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A week back, my dear friend atomic with her great generosity had passed on a beautiful and meaningful award to me.
She has created this award “I love your blog” to show her appreciation to all her friends that have inspired her. I am honored and touched by her kind act. In turn, I have created a love badge for her.
In continuing her great mission, I am passing on this lovely award to the 1st batch my 20 dear friends that have inspired me.
.alina chau.atomic velvet sigh.Anh.bella sinclair.bobo cat.mid-life zhen.deta conesa.Eric Barclay.
emila yusof.emily.holli conger.juan.kenny sia.Karen Cheng.may chan.nessa dee.nicky linzey.shugar.Songie.soulbrush.

I feel that an award for them is not enough, so I made a second one for them. I have spent hours refining this special love “PACKED” piece and now is finally here for all my friends. It serves as a surprise and double happiness for them.This award is done in a bookmark form; so that in any chapters of your life, you can slot it in as a cheer,…it depends on how creative you use it, whether to display it on your blog or print out as a real book mark. I also have another “PACKED” piece entitles “Wall of Fame” displaying 20 different badges and your names here.

The colorful Christmas heart shape tree c/w a super star up the peak is shining & giving the best inspiration and hope to me. It’s packed with heart shapes. They are all in variety of colors honoring the 20 spectacular high spirited individuals that I have mentioned. As for the white color heart shapes here represent many more new comers will be having a great share of this award in the near future. The wavy lines on the heart here say “nothing is going to stop our friendship despite the far distance across the ocean and time.” I think the rest just let you all to figure out. Congratulations once again!
Please pass it on:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Link to the person who gave you the award.3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.4. Put links to those on your blog.5. Leave a message on those blogs.

These are the finished awarded pieces for you to display on your blog. There are certainly packed with special meanings behind.

Note: Friends, please display atomic special design badge together with my two badges in your blog. Alternatively, you could display the one that you like most here.


soulbrush said...

this is sooo exciting, getting these great awards from going to post them on my blog now and pass them on, thanks little them!

Bella Sinclair said...

My goodness, you certainly have been busy this past week! I cannot tell you how enchanted I am by these awards! Oh, the colors and the designs! WOW! It's like a candy store or an ice cream parlor. So incredibly delightful. Thank you so very much. You are sweet, sweet, sweet.

I have made a note in my planner that we must have a dumpling party one day soon. :)

parisa mahmoudi said...

Wow!these awards are so interesting!lovely design.

atomicvelvetsigh said...

woah! i am at awe and my jaw dropped!! these are totally COOL awards! and the last badge i so want it as a magnet! really really beautiful! 8D

Songie said...

this is so heart-warming. :D :D :D :D


Eric Barclay said...

Thank you so much for the award! I love your work and really value your complements. These are really beautiful, well-designed awards.

Chan Wah Chen said...

Thank you very much for the award. I was surprised that I also had inspired you at this short time. I think I need to learn from you also. The logos were well designed and beautiful.

Anh said...

I can't believe I didn't leave a comment to say Thank you. So here goes; Thank you and I am honored for this award. The banner is very beautiful!!! =)

atomicvelvetsigh said...

ohh i got lost on what link to place on my blog post.. haha.. sorry it took me a while for me to place your wonderful art awards.. quote busy at work.. but its up now 8) thanks again!

emilayusof said...

Yoon see! Thank you for the award! I'll post it up soon as I can! Thank you so much! I love it! Will choose from the many lovely designs!