Sunday, July 10, 2011

Creative creations by my little friend

A little 8 years old girlfriend,
knowing what she wants to be!

 Yes, she wants to be a fashion designer..
and she is really good at drawing and
ballroom dancing.....
I wish her very best in her first ballroom
dancing competition!

Below here are her lovely creations.
I gave her some ideas on how to draw & colour 
a cupcake with bold markers
and she did the rest by herself.

Yeah, it's always good to have some young friends
and friends young at heart!
This made my day and
I do feel much younger now!
 Yummy cupcake...
 Yummy cookies and ice cream...
and all the sweet indulgences!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

You are a good role model for this little girl YS. It is good to have young friends. They keep us young.

Julie said...

What a pretty girl! I love her art!!!!!!!!!

Ras said...

awesome colours <3