Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snowflake by my student

Finished artwork by my student

Close upAirbrush technique
Other sample artworks that one can
create using these cool cardboard templates!
So sweet!!! My little student gave me this as Christmas present!
Thank you and it's so special and meaningful.I am so glad she thought of me and spent time to make something so precious for me. I got to post it up here.
She did it in front of me, it just took her 5 minutes using the DIY airbrush method.
The effect was superb!
I also showed her how to make the pom-poms. She actually made one after my demo....and made a few more after I left. I must take photos to show you all!
Yeah, she is very passionate about learning both academic and non academic subjects!


baincardin said...

The air brush technique is so gorgeous! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I really like the snowflake!!!