An artist who love art and observation. She infuses her daily life with many merry happenings!
"Greener Pastures" is a place to share her life experiences and art creations
with "maverick spirits!"
Copyright 2008-2013
by Yoon See.
All rights reserved.
Apart from the purpose of research,
criticism and review, all images and content on this blog may not be reproduced in any form or means without prior permission of the author.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Yoon See, these past few days it was 2, today it's 1!!! I am so happy that I have submitted the last job before hari raya. Though it's only a draft, I feel that a heavy weight has been listed off my shoulder.
Hi Dear Yoon See!!! :) I'm No.1 Now , cause of two things: first , your lovely comment that made me so happy and I'm really proud of it and then because of these lovely illos ,I really like your characters ,this girl is really cute!!!I hope to see more of her in your illustrations. Best Wishes (I hope you would be always in No.1) Parisa
Yoon See, these past few days it was 2, today it's 1!!! I am so happy that I have submitted the last job before hari raya. Though it's only a draft, I feel that a heavy weight has been listed off my shoulder.
Yaah, glad to hear from you again.
Thank you for dropping by in midst of business.
Agree with you, Emila.
We all go through deadlines...
mine is number 1 for sure right now.great post.
Yip! That's it! The great smile of expression...
Mine is 1 - especially after reading your lovely comments.
Wonderful what subtleties will do.
Just like expressions, one little twist and that emotion is another :)
Hi Dear Yoon See!!! :)
I'm No.1 Now , cause of two things:
first , your lovely comment that made me so happy and I'm really proud of it and then because of these lovely illos ,I really like your characters ,this girl is really cute!!!I hope to see more of her in your illustrations.
Best Wishes
(I hope you would be always in No.1)
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