Friday, February 27, 2009

IF-Instinct 2

Mimi actually scored 99 but not 66, but mostly perceive by the viewers as 66.
Do you know why? Of course-The basic instinct.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tagged by Ken & Emila Yusof

Ken and Emila tagged me for this fun handwriting tag.
I have so much fun!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1st & 2nd Proposal for Easter Invitation cards

"Spreading the Love"

Easter Invitation Cards for my church:)
Click for bigger images!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cactus Monday-14

Happy Cactus Monday!!!

Beautiful cactus blossom and it's so much taller than me:)


Hook on Fishes

These are the fishes colouring page project that I did in 2001 for my art students' references. I instinctly downloaded the blank fish colouring page from a free colouring pages site after studying the line work of this cute fish, I felt that's a need for my students to try something unusual. To my surprise the results were remarkable!
Both my students and I had so much joy doing this over and over. I had finished colouring 20 pieces in 3 days, just over addicted on colouring!!!
It is now my pre-enrollment must do piece, it's to test the level and creativity of a prospective student.
I would like to credit the site but can't locate it anyhow. If anyone come across the site please let me know. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


This is a painting I did last Friday for my art student who is currently studying in secondary school.
He need to see a painting demo so that he can practise and get ready for his art exam in school.
Come back to the sunset painting. It's just a quick colour study and I was happy with the result. I followed my instinct to chose a photo from the internet to base on. The result was marvellous but only a slight flaw which is the fold.......Do you spot it! I just can't tell him not to do so:(

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friends for life

You always give me full support- "Come two High Five friend! "

You are always my good listener, just listen and never complain!
Thanks again friends for your support, I really cherish your friendship!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

IF-Celebrate 2

They are celebrating their togetherness & closeness as peers!!!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Celebrate- The beauty of Full Blossoms

Celebrate-Love pendant

I am still in Valentine's mood. I would love to share this love flower pendant with you all friends.


Even this little guy also dress up for the CNY season; time to look smart, radiant and to celebrate!

Tagged by Marvic

Marvic tagged me with this 25 random facts, habit, behaviors about myself:Here is the rules:Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

1. I am a Cantonese.

2. A+ blood type for me.

3. I love to attend any kind of workshops.

4. I love participation:)

5. I enjoy hot chocolate but prefer skyjuice.

6. I wake up early.

7. I can't be rushed, I need time to relax.

8. I just started my yoga class.

9. I am a great fan of shoes and have countless of them....there are a few pairs in my car.

10. My car is like my mini closet. I reserve foods, drinks, books, toys......just in case that I need them!

11. I collect old junks but will throw them away eventually if I don't need them.

12. I admire the beauty of nature.

13. I like to drop by at Petaling Street.

14. I sometimes wear make up but sometimes don't.

15. I love to relax by the beach side.

16. I bring my camera and voice recorder along.

17. I love abstract and semi-abstract art.

18. I have a great collection of books.

19. I will stop by at a bookshop first when I enter the shopping mall.

20. I have a magic wand.- A real one:)

21. I used to love drawing portraits the most but now try to experiment with different styles and mediums.

22. I prefer short hair than long hair.

23. I make vegetable & fruit juice for daily consumption.

24. I like my colourful outfits.

25. I trust my self-instinct but I also believe & trust in God's calling and leading.

Anyone who want to do this are welcome...Mind to share 25 facts with me because I want to know more about you.....

Monday, February 16, 2009


Confidence-She believes in herself and celebrates her inner beauty with great ease.

Cactus Monday-13

Happy Cactus Monday friends! Just a fast sketch! I really can't miss blogging and try my best to post when I am free.

Flower Blossom

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Flower Installation

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friends "I love U"

This picture flashs back my lovely memories during Chinese New Year many years back. I love fun play with creative objects and here from me to you all friends "I love U."
I love this suit, it's designed by me and customed made by my mother's friend.

Result of the 2nd Giveaway Challenge!

The result is out and the winners are Teri, Catherine and Flower Girl.
I would like to congratulate them and for those that do not win, please try your luck again. The 3rd giveaway will be here soon!
Teri won a a pair of flower blossom earring. What a coincident I also won a book from Teri.
Catherine won a handmade & handpainted Hello Kitty Plaster Craft by Yoon See.
Flower Girl won a Love Candy sticker pad.
(Please kindly furnish me your convenient email address, home address or office address.)


Happy Valentine Day

Happy Valentine Day to all dear friends!
This illustration is still half finished because I was overconfident to work on a big scale A2 size paper for more than 10 couples there. A bit lazy to finish up the colouring when college deadlines was near.....

The title of this illustration is "Leon Lai-Close to You."
Leon Lai is a super star in the Hong Kong movie and singing arena. I specially drew this poster advertisement because he was my super idol during my secondary school time since 1986. He was so charming and no wonder he was once a prince charming to many young girls.........
I remembered most of my girlfriends at my age always so crazy of him. Besides talking about him, Tommy Page, Jason Donovan also were our common topics.
Some even been to their concerts......For those that in their 30s', do you feel his closeness once before!!!???
Congrats Leon Lai!
Last year, he and his lovely model girlfriend Gaile Kok finally tied the knot.
Last but not least, could you share with me your teenages' idol and how he and she had inpired you?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Awards from "Cindy" and "Ken" & for "You"

Thank you Cindy and Ken Ong for awarding me these cool awards. I am honoured and would like to pass on to all my friends. Please don't feel shy. Just grab the one that you feel you like and deserve. (Please leave me a comment if you need to save the picture of the award individually!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Awards from "Anny" and for "You"

Dog lover Anny from all i wanna do is p.....has honoured me with these three awards namely "Arte Y Pico Award", "I love your blog award" and "friendship badge award".
Trillion thank you Anny.
She has a special blog just on dogs. She is most humorous with her writing. Her art and photographies are great too.

I would like to pass on these awards to:
My beloved cactuteer team members, you know who you are.
IF challenge friends as follow:
Also to all that have inspired me, just to name a few:
Last but not least, to those I have missed your name but have visited and commented on my blog.

Lemonade award

Thank you soulbrush for giving me this fabadabadoo lemonade award.
She is so kind and always give me many awards. Again, I am so honour to receive it from a talented friend like her. Making lemonade sounds easy but to make a good one requires lots of techniques, creativities...........this is related to creating art too.......

I would like to pass on this special award to my talented artist friends that love to employ lemon green colour and natures in their illustration.

They are Aimee, Faruffa, get zen, Kathleen Rietz, kris-tea, Lisa Rivas, nicky linzey, ojni, parisa mahmoudi, Valerie Walsh and Vanessa Brantley Newton.
Hope you all will continue to quench our thirst with more"lemonade art".

Creative Blogger Award

Thanks to my talented artist friend Michael O'Connell of Mocando. He has just given me this creative blogger award. I am so honoured and feel there is a creative group should more deserve this.
There are my Creative Monday Cactuteer team members that constantly strike for their best in search of new ideas and techniques to capture the beauty of miracle cactus plant.
Lisa B
Lisa Rivas
Studio Lolo

Please visit our gallery and have a look. Hope that you have find some inspirations that in turn you have the urge to join us too in the near future:)

